Showing posts with label Pain Defense reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pain Defense reviews. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Pain Defense Reviews - Know More About It

Pain Defense Joint Pain Solution

One of the most important questions to ask when deciding which supplements to rely on, is whether or not the supplement actually works. Sometimes, it seems the only way to determine whether not a supplement works is actually to try the product itself. Of course this method is not the most cost or time effective. So, we are left with the difficulty of attempting to determine the effectiveness of this product purely on the ingredients label. 
Pain Defense

In the case of Pain Defense, there is no publicly available ingredient label, although there is a list of ingredients on Pain Defense website. Pain Defense consists of three basic ingredients: glucosamine, Indian frankincense, and devil’s claw. So, for those who do not take unproven herbal ingredients like Indian frankincense or devil’s claw seriously, the only reason for taking Pain Defense is an unknown amount of glucosamine which is included in Pain Defense. Pain Defense has not seen fit to list the individual ingredients by amount, so those who are seeking to determine if Pain Defense works will be limited by the information available.

Pain Defense From Amazon

Of course this lack of information as to the actual effectiveness of this supplement explains the fact that Pain Defense is not offered retail stores or pharmaceutical outlets. In fact, the only way to purchase Pain Defense is from affiliate marketers or the Pain Defense website itself. Keep in mind that there are over 20 different online retailers which offer Pain Defense, including Amazon and The third-party retailers simply do not have the ability to control the quality of the products that are on the shelf, since there is no “shelf” that the customers can see. Furthermore, it is very difficult for the FDA to test these individual products, since they are limited to products in shipment, or are available at over-the-counter pharmacy outlets.

So, the good thing about this supplement is that it does include some unknown amount of glucosamine. Glucosamine has been associated in a few significant scientific studies with improvements in joint health simply because glucosamine contributes to the health connective tissues. A healthy set of connective tissues ultimately reduces inflammation and reduces the pain of arthritis, although there is no cure for arthritis, and there is no known way to eliminate the pain of arthritis permanently. 

Pain Defense Conclusion

If Pain Defense is taken for a very long time, it is possible that the amount of glucosamine in Pain Defense will contribute to decreased pain for some people. It is even within the realm of possibility that Indian frankincense and devils claw also have some affect, and that these possible effects are simply not established, and are not likely to be since these herbs have been around for a long time and no large-scale clinical trials have determined any actual positive use for these herbs.