Saturday 17 August 2013

Phosoplex Joint Pain Reviews

How Does Phosoplex Work?

Whether or not Phosoplex works ultimately depends on the goals of the end-user. So let’s look at Phosoplex in terms of two basic groups. There are adults who wish to improve their athletic performance and then there are those who suffer from chronic diseases such as arthriti,s who ultimately wish to limit the pain caused by inflammation.
Let’s begin with the athletic group. Athletes who are taking Phosoplex are likely to be disappointed by the small amounts of individual ingredients within Phosoplex. 

Although Phosoplex does contain the four basic corners of joint health: glucosamine and chondroitin, MSM, and hyaluronic acid, Phosoplex contains relatively small amounts of these ingredients. For most of these ingredients it is necessary to take at least one whole gram in order to experience any kind of change on a daily basis. Even for athletic adults, it could take several months for such a supplement to have any kind of effect. The best way to prevent any kind of joint problems is with regular exercise and a diet which includes all the necessary four components for great healthy cartilage, although a supplement like Phosoplex may help to improve the balance of a diet lacking in nutrients for connective tissues.
Now, let’s move onto those are suffering from serious or chronic forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. 

Phosoplex Effect

Usually this group is concerned primarily with limiting the amount of pain that is experienced from degrading joints over time. The joints themselves may not actually be the problem in the case of arthritis, but rather the health of the immune system in general. The immune system is based on the ability to fight disease. When the body detects any kind of injury, it naturally inflames that area in order to communicate more red and white blood cells to that area. For those who are suffering from arthritis, this system has come out of control and inflammation is widespread. One of the downsides of Phosoplex is that it does not really provide for any decrease in inflammation, although some of the ingredients have been associated with the decrease of inflammation, there has not been any conclusive evidence which suggests that Phosoplex has a superiority over placebo.

Phosoplex Conclusion

In conclusion, there are two basic groups who require some sort of improvement in the health of their joints: athletic and arthritic. Neither these groups are actually going to be satisfied by Phosoplex, unless they are expecting to experience an effect based entirely on placebo. First of all, the amounts present in Phosoplex are not likely to make a difference for the athletic group, and secondly, the ingredients of Phosoplex are not likely to make any difference in the level of inflammation for those who are experiencing chronic arthritis.

Friday 16 August 2013

How Does Joint Guard Work?

Joint Guard Reviews And Working

Joint GuardWhether or not Joint Guard works depends of the ingredients themselves. Ultimately, any adults who take large amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin will see some improvement in joint health over a long period of time. However, this does not necessarily mean that any supplement which contains glucosamine and chondroitin is the best. Since these are not medicines, and are not closely monitored for purity, this can be a major concern for those who may have allergies or reactions to any impurities. 

Whether or not Joint Guard “works” also depends on the actual claims joints themselves. Joint Guard seems to be targeting athletically active adults and not those who are suffering from chronic arthritis. For athletically active adults, it is difficult to separate one supplement from another, since many adults are taking several supplements at once. Joint Guard is one way to cover all the bases for joint care in general. The problem is that none of these bases are completely covered to the fullest possible extent, and this is a risk that anyone takes who decides to take Joint Guard.

Benefits of Joint Guard

The good news is that Joint Guard does contain glucosamine at 1500 mg, which is the standard. Since glucosamine has a 20% bioavailability, some amount of glucosamine will find its way to the joints and will continue to nourish the healthy growth of connective tissues. The bad news is that the Joint Guard proprietary blends, which are included with Joint Guard, contain a small amount of herbal ingredients meant to create unproven results. 

Intake of Joint Guard

Consider that 300 mg of Joint Guard is taken up with a fatty acid profile which includes both omega-3, six, and nine. It is true that all of these types of the Omega acids are necessary for healthy fatty acid profile, but most adults are getting too much Omega-6 and Omega-9 in their diet already, since these Omega fatty acids are present in vegetable oils. In order for Joint Guard to provide a sufficient amount of omega-3 to make a difference in the quality of life for an adult, it would need to provide at least one whole gram of omega-3 fatty acids, usually derived from fish.

Joint Guard Conclusion

In conclusion, Joint Guard works, but not as well as it could. The fatty acid profile is pointless, because omega-3, and not omega-6 or 9, is what is needed to reduce inflammation in a fatty acid profile. With the large number of extraneous ingredients in this package, it’s a wonder that Joint Guard is able to communicate the valuable 1500 milligrams of glucosamine which could really make a difference.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Nature Made Triple Flex Glucosamine

Does Triple flex Work?

Whether not this supplement works, or justifies the faith an individual places in this product and the patented process, Triple flex claims have developed for creating concentrated milk proteins. Triple flex claims that these proteins are the key to establishing more healthy joints and to developing healthier connective tissues. 
Triple flex

Triple flex goes to great lengths to describe the process the body uses to create inflammation around injured joint or an overused joint, however Triple flex does not create a causal connection in the claims of taking the milk proteins which are included in Triple flex for either improvement of mobility. Rather, Triple flex simply states that special “micro-nutrients” create positive effects that are experienced by consumers.

Triple Flex Fast Solution

In conclusion, it is basically impossible to determine whether not Triple flex actually works, since the claims made by this supplement are so vague. Improving mobility and range of motion is not simply a matter of taking a special patented ingredient, but of allowing the body to have access to absolutely all of the nutrients are necessary to create healthy cartilaginous and connective tissues. 

If Triple flex is taken in the absence of other needed nutrients, it would certainly not work, and there is no reason to believe that it goes beyond the normal immune system process of controlling inflammation around the joints. In fact, for those who suffer from severe joint pain, inflammation has caused an uncontrolled reaction around an injured joint, and the presence of other toxins that cause extreme inflammation. Triple flex and milk proteins do not appear to offer any particular substance which would allow the body to better control inflammation around a given joint. In fact, ingesting “bioactive micronutrients” may even serve to aggravate these conditions.

How Triple Flex Work?

For those who want to answer the simple question of whether taking Triple flex will actually decrease pain, the answer appears to be a basic no. There are not any special nutrients within the proteins which allow the body to better control inflammation, which is because joint pain. In fact it is more likely, especially for those who are lactose intolerant, as most adults naturally are, that ingesting large amounts of concentrated milk proteins could serve to aggravate existing joint pain. This concern is not addressed by this supplement, and the relative absence of other major ingredients, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, is not favorably addressed on the Triple flex website, or by any of the Triple flex publicly available information. 

Ultimately, every consumer must make an educated decision about products which claim to have a special patented process. This is not always easy, but could have a huge impact of the health of shoppers for such products.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Pain Defense Reviews - Know More About It

Pain Defense Joint Pain Solution

One of the most important questions to ask when deciding which supplements to rely on, is whether or not the supplement actually works. Sometimes, it seems the only way to determine whether not a supplement works is actually to try the product itself. Of course this method is not the most cost or time effective. So, we are left with the difficulty of attempting to determine the effectiveness of this product purely on the ingredients label. 
Pain Defense

In the case of Pain Defense, there is no publicly available ingredient label, although there is a list of ingredients on Pain Defense website. Pain Defense consists of three basic ingredients: glucosamine, Indian frankincense, and devil’s claw. So, for those who do not take unproven herbal ingredients like Indian frankincense or devil’s claw seriously, the only reason for taking Pain Defense is an unknown amount of glucosamine which is included in Pain Defense. Pain Defense has not seen fit to list the individual ingredients by amount, so those who are seeking to determine if Pain Defense works will be limited by the information available.

Pain Defense From Amazon

Of course this lack of information as to the actual effectiveness of this supplement explains the fact that Pain Defense is not offered retail stores or pharmaceutical outlets. In fact, the only way to purchase Pain Defense is from affiliate marketers or the Pain Defense website itself. Keep in mind that there are over 20 different online retailers which offer Pain Defense, including Amazon and The third-party retailers simply do not have the ability to control the quality of the products that are on the shelf, since there is no “shelf” that the customers can see. Furthermore, it is very difficult for the FDA to test these individual products, since they are limited to products in shipment, or are available at over-the-counter pharmacy outlets.

So, the good thing about this supplement is that it does include some unknown amount of glucosamine. Glucosamine has been associated in a few significant scientific studies with improvements in joint health simply because glucosamine contributes to the health connective tissues. A healthy set of connective tissues ultimately reduces inflammation and reduces the pain of arthritis, although there is no cure for arthritis, and there is no known way to eliminate the pain of arthritis permanently. 

Pain Defense Conclusion

If Pain Defense is taken for a very long time, it is possible that the amount of glucosamine in Pain Defense will contribute to decreased pain for some people. It is even within the realm of possibility that Indian frankincense and devils claw also have some affect, and that these possible effects are simply not established, and are not likely to be since these herbs have been around for a long time and no large-scale clinical trials have determined any actual positive use for these herbs.

Flex Protex D Joint Pain Reviews

Who Makes Flex Protex?

Flex Protex is manufactured by “Flex Protex Store.” There does not appear to be any particular DBA name or incorporated name associated with Flex Protex. This may be a warning sign for some consumers. This supplement is is available via, although the primary source of purchase is from Flex Protex Store, which operates out of Massachusetts. Flex Protex Store is also the location of manufacture, and determines all of the prices and sales-related functions. This is a very small, privately owned business, if the information provided via the Flex Protex Store website is true. While the small size of this business may worry some, it may inspire trust in others. After all, no one wants to feel like a number, and buying a supplement directly from the manufacturer will go along way toward establishing trust between the makers and those seeking increased joint health.

Flex Protex

Flex Protex D Reviews

One concern many consumers may have about Flex Protex makers, is that there appears to be very little quality control. The actual amount of ingredients included in the proprietary formula is not listed on the Flex Protex bottle. Furthermore, very little explanation is made for the medical jargon which litters the privately branded website. This supplement is also listed as having appeared on TV, although no links to specific infomercials are provided. It may be gathered that infomercials are not the most reputable source for information about joint care. 

Certainly, the reduction of pain should not depend on testimonials which are made on television. The possible existence of such infomercials may suggest that Flex Protex may be purchased via infomercial. However, this entire claim may be dubious, even if TV advertisements were a convincing source of information.

Flex Protex D Conclusion

In conclusion, Flex Protex is not made by a reputable manufacturer of other pharmaceuticals. Flex Protex is most likely made by single individual who markets Flex Protex. So, since the official website, which encourages misleading information and interpretation by buyers, flex protect shows very little medical support for the inclusion of specific ingredients. For most consumers, all these warning signs add up to a good reason not to purchase Flex Protex. Furthermore, even if Flex Protex were from a reputable source, it is twice as expensive as other supplements which make more accurate claims, backed by evidence and safe listing practices.